

AWARES program empowers women engineering students to equip them with necessary social skills for a smooth transition to work place and a successful career in the engineering professions. 


The program will provide individual mentorship by a professional women engineer and will establish a professional network among the participating students by using the learning communities (LC).

Expected Outcomes:

Students completing the program...

  • will improve their soft skills through professional mentoring and peer networking 
  • will expand their knowledge of setting career goals and career management, successful interview management, evaluating job offers, conflict management and resolution, finding a mentor and a network, building professional image
  • will build confidence

The Ohio State University Office of Diversity and Inclusion

AWARES is sponsored by the
Office of Diversity and Inclusion




  1. AWARES builds community of support with annual panel discussion

    Feb 2, 2024

    COLUMBUS, Ohio -- On Tuesday, January 9 evening, the Aspiration for Women’s Advancement and Retention in Engineering and Sciences (AWARES) group hosted its sixth panel discussion centered around sexual harassment and equity in the workplace. 

  2. Pictured: AWARES participants and panel members attending the virtual meeting

    AWARES Creates Community of Support with Annual Panel Discussion

    Jan 21, 2022

    For the 5th year in a row, the Aspiration for Women’s Advancement and Retention in Engineering and Science (AWARES) program hosted a panel centered on sexual harassment in the workplace.

  3. Mentors and students tune in for the annual Sexual harassment in the Workplace panel

    AWARES Transforms and Perseveres in 6th year

    Apr 8, 2021

    Amid rapidly changing plans a year ago involving moving scheduled in-person meetings quickly online, one question remained in the back of Dr. Gönül Kaletunç’s mind, what would the fall look like? It was a question that many faculty, staff, and students at The Ohio State University wondered as virtual instruction and interactions took hold amid the pandemic. But for Kaletunc, who not only taught as a faculty member in the Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, the transition left questions of what would happen with the AWARES program.