AWARES Schedule 2023-2024
Fall Break: October 12-13, 2023
Autumn 2023
Date |
Topic |
9/20, 7:00-8:00pm |
Program launch for students & mentors: Meet and greet, program discussion |
9/21, 6:30-7:30pm |
Program launch for students & mentors: Meet and greet, program discussion |
Student-mentor meetings (30 min, every two weeks)
Date |
Topic |
9/25-9/29 |
Introductions, interviewing the mentor, career goal discussion |
10/9-10/13 |
Job search, how to interview, potential interview questions |
10/23-10/27 |
How to negotiate your offer(s), benefits, adaptation to a new place, |
11/6-11/10 |
Interactions with your boss, peers, and direct reports |
Learning community meetings (60 min, every two weeks)
Date (Tu,W,Th) |
Topic |
10/3,4,5 |
Reflections on the 1st mentor meeting during week of 9/25-9/29 |
10/17,18,19 |
Reflections on the 2nd mentor meeting during week of 10/9-10/13 |
10/31,11/1,2 |
Reflections of the 3rd mentor meeting during week of 10/23-10/27 |
11/14,15,16 |
Reflections on the 4th mentor meeting during week of 11/6-11/10 |
Mentors only meeting (60 min)
Date |
Topic |
11/29 or 11/30 |
Program progress discussion |
Spring Semester 2024
Spring Break: March 11-15, 2024.
Mentor-Mentee Full Group Meetings (90 min)
Date |
Topic |
1/10 |
Mid-program event (6:30 pm-8:00 pm) |
Student-mentor meetings (30-60 min, every 2 weeks)
Date |
Topic |
1/15-1/19 |
Conflict resolution in the work place, emotional intelligence |
1/29-2/2 |
Diversity in the work place, implicit bias, microaggression |
2/12-2/16 |
Career management, recognizin opportunities |
2/26-3/1 |
Building mentorship, sponsorship, networking |
3/18-3/22 |
Imposter syndrome, strategies to build confidence |
Learning community meetings (60 min, every 2 weeks)
Date |
Topic |
1/23,24,25 |
Reflection on the 1stmentor meeting during week of 1/15-1/19 |
2/6,7,8 |
Reflection on the 2ndmentor meeting during week of 1/29-2/2 |
2/20,21,22 |
Reflection on the 3rdmentor meeting during week of 2/12-2/16 |
3/5,6,7 |
Reflection on the 4thmentor meeting during week of 2/26-3/1 |
3/26,27,28 |
Reflection on the 5thmentor meeting during week of 3/18-3/22 |
4/2,3,4 |
Mentor/Mentee Q&A |
Mentor-Mentee Full Group Meetings (60 min, once a semester)
Date |
Topic |
4/10 |
Program graduation |